Monday, November 15, 2010

Fire Fighters COOL!!!

On Wednesday 20th of October A teacher in our pod asked me (Courtney) and my friend Lisa to welcome some fire fighters to our school.
As Lisa went to help them bring the truck into the gates I helped two fire fighters Andrew and Jim to our class where they showed us, the Anawhata pod to see some movie clips of a candle fire.
We had to answer some questions like Andrew asked us what do you think will happen next and we answered with get low, and get out.
Then Andrew told us a story of a little girl ( Sophie ) an what she did in a fire.
And then Oooh My God!! We got to go see the  Big Red Fire truck it was so awesome!!
We even got to control the fire hose it was so cool its not like you get to do that every day.
When we all sat on the stairs Jim got on the roof of the fire truck and pull up this COOL strong hose kind of looking thing and started to spray the cars and the car park with it.

I think If I had a cool big water filled fire truck like that I'd have an awesome party with the water... Although that may hurt.
The water being like one thousand needles.

1 comment:

Kiwi in North Carolina said...

I really enjoyed the Fire Fighter visit too. It was really fun to have a go on the hose. Great to see you did some great learning!
Miss Davies